Thursday, February 7, 2008



I have been thinking about my painting of St. Theresa, The vision as I described yesterday, really did happen to me. I don't know if it was because of the special church I was in, The Church Of The Little Flower, or that I was open to receive and trusting. Perhaps that is the most important thing to remember in life, to always trust in yourself! If you put the right stuff in, feed yourself spiritually with good food and being of the single eye; following your path in the most sincere way and doing the physical work to make it happen. My questions may change as I grow but the results are part of my belief system and my having faith in God omnipotent.

I have also been listening to Joan Osborne's CD "RELISH" and discovered anew the song "ST THERESA" which has an excellent video on UTUBE, click on the link provided above to go to my space there.

AMAZING how synchronicity works in my life!Visit My Website

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