Friday, April 30, 2010


I thought up doing a shimmering surfer girl overcoming the plunging waves and ending up in the Signet Galaxy as a sort of visual catharsis for all artists who are alive and kicking right now and still riding! It's been tough but whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.....
The buildings of New York in the background  are also shimmering, but I think they look friendly and besides....she rises above.

I added the i-phone as a commentary of our times. How we are connected through it all and how technology has advanced by leaps and bounds...
What would I do without my i-phone? Music is part of the deal, and history, so I had my web designer install the Beach Boys singing "Surfer Girl" which can be switched on/off by the tiny speaker icon rhs. If there is anyone out there who doesn't like the Beach-Boys .

So this is to the memory of my Mum, a tough but sweet cookie.... just wanted to say thanks to her by creating this little ani movie on my web-site. And good timing! Mother's Day is Sunday May 9th.
Little Surfer Girl is my gift to her and to all who are brave enough. Keep On Surfing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Now is the appointed time. Time ..... what a concept.

I have been following A Year In Pictures for quite some time as you can see on my list of favorite blogs, and very pleasantly discovered today that one of my favorite photos of Twinka was chosen for the Happiness Project!

"And from Cherie Bender who coincidentally had photographed Twinka at about the same time as Cynthia MacAdams (who I just wrote about) "

I met Twinka while in California and photographed her in Yosemite. It was such a happy and free time and I also met Imogene Cunningham; the slide above captures the sunlight and fragility of the moment... I had taken some great shots in black and white film during  the work shop which were stolen along with all of my photo equipment from my bungalow while I visited with the Ansel Adams family. They very kindly let me stay in their house after that in Yosemite because I was so young and scared!